Home / Creative Fabula packaging
Creative Fabula Packaging
- An eco design business gift recycled pencil so you can tell your creative story
- Manage the space to show your company and brand
- If you want this type of packaging to be customized, please send an email on info@fabulaorganicpencil.com to start designing your unique packaging
Green Challenger

Packaging from Fabula becomes your weekly challenge throughout the whole year! Fabula challenges you to live greener. Complete one green challenge every week and check it successful. At the end of the year, see how „green“ you have become. Unwrap the packaging & attach the Green Challenger to the wall or carry it with you in your notebook and use it as a green calendar. Suitable for offices.

Green Story

Packaging from Fabula becomes your inspirational Green story to send back to Green Riding Hood ‘n’ Woof, Fabula’s green heroes! Unwrap Fabula pencil and compose the packaging in a letter shape following the instructions. Send your Green Story back to Green Riding Hood ‘n’ Woof. Suitable for children and very cool adults.